Sunday, November 3, 2013

Topkapi Print and Movember

This month is #portraitnovember on Twitter. I don’t really do much in the way of portraits as such, but this morning Chris also told me it’s “ Movember “ this month when men and maybe women will endeavour to grow moustaches to raise money for men’s health. It’s both worthy and fun.

So in order to get some more lino cutting practise, do a portrait for #portraitnovember and give a hat tip to Movember, I decided  to rework an illustration from years ago.

 bg topkapi

The original was a small scraperboard I made for the poem “ Topkapi”  by John Fuller in a poetry anthology and seemed worth trying it in a different medium. It also saves me a bit of time.

scraper illust

Scraperboard is not a million miles away from lino. It was a medium I loved working in but sadly, the excellent profession grade white Essdee scraperboard is not available any more. You can work in a very fine detail on scraperboard completely different from lino…or I should say from my rather chunky and inexperienced cutting.

bg rough moustache

I made a rough sketch based on my illustration and when I was transferring it to the block it occurred to me to make him a moustache vendor.
I cut a quick lino block and made an initial proof . It needs work and a bit of reorganisation but hopefully it will look something like this .

moustache  bg

First proof image 6 x6.5 inches

It will be interesting to see how/if it works. The flying moustaches are like little birds or perhaps escaping worms,  I like that. I shall call it The Moustache Seller :).

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