Thursday, December 19, 2013

Starts and stops.

Just one of those weeks with constant interruptions. It’s just the time of the year I think.  For me, printmaking really needs some thought and is quite a slow process. It’s not yet as easy as just picking up a pencil or a brush. So progress on the dragon print based on the sketch of my lost ceramic piece is slow.

I made endless roughs and sketches and could not come to a conclusion. I know what I would  like to achieve  ( but I think that’s probably a bit of a mistake with printmaking) but am quite a way from that yet. So in the end  I just got started with some experiments and I hope something will emerge.

I have some basic cut out shapes using the easicut stuff so I can experiment with placing them at random and sort of “assemble” the image.



Basic design and first cuts


Trials and tribulations…..


.. but I like this bit!

I always tell my students that if one square centimetre of a piece of work is Ok then it’s a success.

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