I have regarded this year as one of experimentation, I have researched, studied, thought and made many, many sketches and notes, more than I could ever put on the blog. It’s been a year to meet other artists and share ideas and to explore some new directions. It has been illuminating.
Letterpress, Print and Books
Number one on my list will be my delayed side step into printmaking. I now have my lovely small Rollaco Press, my big old Cropper Charlton nipping press and a little old Adana housed in the garage and we are ready to go.
Rollaco Press with bee
The big old nipping press with my much prized Boxcar Press apron.
Adana poised and ready….
I had been exploring letterpress again when I was in Orlando with the very excellent guys at Mamas Sauce whose enthusiasm and dedication to all things printy was so inspiring.
Mamas Sauce Printshop in Orlando
Although we are not there anymore I still keep up with what they are doing. See their site for some wonderful printmaking, links and videos.
There will be planned returns to St Brides in London where I printed “Rook” …
St Brides Foundation London Print Museum and Courses.
And a hopeful trip to the USA to the fabulous Hamilton Wood Type and Printing Museum next year.
There will be making small books, inspirational prints and maybe a ranting broadside or two.
So adventures with lino and the press started just this week with a very simple bee! (what else). The huge new queen Bombus terrestris are out and about. They were my inspiration and I may call her the “Easton Bee” in tribute!
Many bees
And in other colours too!
Big Blue Bee for Easton
Image 6x4”reduction print on Hosho paper.
I will be starting the printmaking in earnest soon!