Sunday, February 1, 2015

Grasshopper First print

I’ve been sketching grasshoppers over on the blog I share with Sue. See the sketches here. We are focusing on a small community wood  which is really a little nature reserve and I have decide to make a set of work about things that “sing” in some way.

Grasshoppers and crickets are another wonderful sound of a UK summer, along with the bees, so they are one of the subjects I will be working on.
I am not sure I can really call this a grasshopper its a bit of a hybrid mix and I have taken quite a bit of artistic license with it, but it’s fine for some more experiments and does have some of the essence of the sketches and grasshoppery-ness about it. I have been reading about the difference between crickets and grasshoppers and, as usual, it all becomes more and more fascinating the more you find out.


Drawing, block  and first proof…


I have quite a few more prints and drawings and ideas for this little chap in progress so more soon.